Welcoming Ramadan 2025: Guidelines To A Productive Ramadan For Sisters


Ramadan is the most sacred month among Muslims in which we devote all our efforts to pray and please our Creator through His remembrance and piety. It is a significantly spiritual time of experiencing unusual feelings of love, faithfulness, and equality. Muslims refrain themselves from food, drink, sex, and other sinful activities.

The primary purpose of Ramadan is to revive and increase our connection with Allah. But only physical avoidance is not enough; considering your character and deeds is also important. Ramadan also teaches us to avoid everything that spots the purity of our mind, heart, and soul. All these things require practice. So it is best to prepare ourselves early for the holy month of Ramadan so that we may absorb these religious habits and deeds into our daily routine and practice.

How to Utilize Our Time Properly in Ramadan?

 i. Make A Schedule for the Whole Month

To spend your Ramadan fruitfully, it’s better to make a framework of all the activities you’re going to perform in a day of Ramadan. Note down all the worldly and religious practices you desire to perform while keeping in mind your routine duties. Another way to make a timetable is to think of the free time-slots you have in a day and adjust your activities in those slots.

But one thing you have to keep in mind is to be realistic. Don’t set unrealistic goals that you can’t fulfill. Set a routine that not only fits your daily chores but also your caliber. This is because other activities of life are equally important.

 ii. Give Extra Time to Your Prayers

Prayer is one of the prime Ibadah and bears massive benefits. Moreover, Ramadan gives us a huge opportunity to get closer to Allah Almighty and ask forgiveness and blessing. We can improve and refresh our relationship with God through prayer and du’a. So, spend a selective portion of your time in Salah. Late-night Nawafil will enhance the pleasure of being interested in prayer and other Ibadah.

 iii. Repent with Entire Heart and Soul

Ramadan is such a blissful month that restores our link with Allah Almighty. Moreover, Ramadan is the blessed month in which sinners ask for pardon and salvation. The prophet says about the dignity of Ramadan that

“The doors of Heaven are opened and the Doors of Hell are closed in this month.”

The act of repentance is not limited to any specific time of the day. If you feel ashamed, it implies that you’re regretful of your deeds. Allah is forgiving and beneficent; he will surely forgive your sinful deeds.

 iv. Allocate Your Time for Quran Recitation

The greatness of the Quran Reciter has revealed through the Hadith that “the best among the people is the one who learns and teaches Quran.” Quran is the embodiment of guidance and navigation for our social and spiritual lives.

Recitation of the Quran does not imply only reading thoroughly. Only reading is not enough; you must understand what you read. Although you read less, try to understand the message given in those lines. Reciting the Quran with Tafseer will give you a deeper vision into the message of Almighty. Also, muse over the idea conveyed in the Ayah and try to implement those teachings in practical life.

 v. Make Du’a for Yourself and Family

The Holy Prophet said that “Du’a is the core of Ibadah”. Ramadan Du’a is included in one of the best prayers during this holy month. Also, the holy month of Ramadan makes our Du’a fruitful and honoured. A few of the Ramadan Du’as are presented below

Translation: O Allah I ask for your Kindness that covers all, that forgive me

Translation: O Allah You are the only one who forgives and loves to forgive, so forgive me.

Translation: O Allah, stretch me close towards Your Content, take me away from Your wrath and reprimand. Grant me the chance to recite Your verses by Your Will. O most Beneficent and Merciful.

vi. Fast Voluntarily Before the Month of Ramadan

It is better to practice fasting before the month of Ramadan, in Rajab or Sha’ban. Also, it is the practice of the Holy Prophet to fast in Rajab and Sha’ban. It prepares your body and mind for the month of Ramadan. However, if you cannot fast daily in Sha’ban, make a schedule to have fast on Monday and Thursday, or the White Days of Sha’ban (13th, 14th, 15th).

vii. Adopt Healthy Eating Habit in Ramadan

We must focus on what we eat and how much we eat in Ramadan. We should eat nutritious food in Sahari so that it may fulfill our energy needs required to perform daily tasks. Don’t overeat because it is harmful not only for your body but also for your spiritual activities.

Imam Shafi once said, “Filling the belly makes the body heavy, removes the understanding of clarity, stimulates sleep, and weakens the body for Worship.”

Healthy Ramadan Diet includes

  1. Dates: contain fibers, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, and so on
  2. Fruits: Hydrate our body and are full of vitamins and minerals
  3. Fresh juices or Smoothies: provide hydration to the body without giving many sugars
  4. High Fiber Cereals: good for Sehri, contain fibers, vitamins, and minerals
  5. Oats: Full of fibers and vitamins
  6. Yogurt: contains protein, potassium, iron, vitamin B complex, and water.
  7. Starchy foods like rice: provide carbohydrates to the body
  8. Bread: provides carbs and fibers to the body
  9. Sattu (Barley Juice): Good for Iftar, reduces the feeling of thirst, gives a cooling effect


Don’t eat fried or oily foods because these can make you dehydrated and increase the feeling of thirst. Moreover, don’t make use of cold drinks because they contain excessive sugars which can make you dehydrated and stuffed.

Ramadan Time Management for Busy Moms

Ramadan usually remains a busy month for housewives and moms. They are always busy making certain Iftar dishes for family and relatives. Due to this, they are usually unable to focus on themselves and the tasks related to them. Making Sehri and Iftar dishes, handling children, and doing daily chores leaves less time for Ibadah and Recitation. Moreover, working the whole day on a low fuel during fasting can be challenging. Here are a few tips on how busy moms and housewives can make their Ramadan productive, easy, and meaningful.

i. Keep Your Routine Simple

When we think of Iftar, a table of endless dishes with amazing garnishing comes to our mind. But the simplest rule to spend healthy and comfortable Ramadan is to keep your routine simple and realistic. Try to cook foods that can be frozen or preserved for an extended period. Cook simple meals that are both light on your health and your kitchen routine. It will assist you save more time for prayers and other chores and will make Productive Ramadan for Moms.

ii. Understand that Ibadah Is Not Only Prayer and Zikr

Some of the women misunderstood that Ibadah is only when they offer a prayer or make Zikr. But try to understand that fulfilling your domestic responsibilities properly is also a virtuous deed. Taking care of the home and your children is also a good deed and there is a reward for that. So, if you get less time for other Zikr, don’t blame yourself or feel ashamed.

iii. Plan Creative Activities for Your Children

Involve your kids in some creative activities like painting, drawing, or color books. Moreover, give them the opportunity to facilitate from the laptop, PC, or TV; for example, you can ask them to watch Islamic programs or Quranic recitation. It will increase their knowledge and intellect. Moreover, it will spare plenty of time for you to accomplish other important tasks.

iv. Take Care of Yourself

Women, during making and serving dishes at Iftar, usually neglect their health. Get all the things ready on table 5-10 minutes before Iftar. So that you may have a relaxed time to sit and eat properly.

The Bottom Line

For the month of Ramadan, you must prepare yourself mentally, spiritually, physically, and morally to obtain its endless benefits. It will assist you in sustaining this virtuous behavior throughout the year.


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